links alluding to Lauren's yoga classes / detox retreats
yoga classes in Goa
Lonely Planet forum
"The yoga teacher at Palolem's Dreamcatcher huts was really good. A British lady - Lauren Manning or something, you might have to Google a bit. Not sure if she'll be there this year. Anyway, 200R I think it was for a 2 hour class. She was a great teacher and the class was suited to those with little experience, though if you're a total beginner you might take a few days to get the hang of it. Other huts had teachers but Lauren was very popular as folk came from the far end of the beach and from Agonda etc for it. I think her being Western also made it a bit more accessible to many in the class, who were quite new to yoga. Anyway, I've had classes with a few teachers here in London but that week in Goa was great. Just watch out for the mossies!
yogi's and fasting
Saturday , June 4 , 2011
“Yoga allows a person to develop the discipline of detachment from everything, and that includes food,” said Lauren Manning, a South African yoga specialist at a yoga retreat in Portugal that offers fasting detoxification programmes, far from the feverish developments in New Delhi.
“It doesn’t mean the body does not need food — it’s just easier to go without food,” said Manning, who has been teaching yoga for 16 years. “Instead of thinking ‘I’m hungry, I’m hungry’, the mind might just say ‘the sky is beautiful, the sky is beautiful’.”
“It doesn’t mean the body does not need food — it’s just easier to go without food,” said Manning, who has been teaching yoga for 16 years. “Instead of thinking ‘I’m hungry, I’m hungry’, the mind might just say ‘the sky is beautiful, the sky is beautiful’.”
yoga classes in Goa
Bob Mehew & Sarah McCaskey's blog
"The next chance I had to go to classes was in Palolem, Goa with Lauren Manning. Lauren’s class happened to be based on Sivananda style Hatha with many other practices woven in, for Lauren has studied a wide variety of yoga techniques and teaches an amazing all-encompassing class. I was challenged in my asana and really figured out how to stand on my head for reasonable periods of time! I developed my ability with certain pranayama techniques, enjoyed listening to the opening and closing mantras and got to find out more about the Sivananda lineage through Lauren and other yogis in Palolem. My mind was made up, I would apply for the teacher training."
yoga detox retreat Turkey
diary of an anti yoga detox hippy
"Well, it was a lovely gentle yoga session. Lauren for me has amazing energy in all her teachings, full of love, softness and acceptance, if anyone can WD40 my joints with that she can and I think to myself maybe I can achieve number 4 after all."