Many holistic treatments can help the body to eliminate toxins.
Many holistic treatments induce relaxation and thus help the autonomic nervous system switch from the 'flight fight' sympathetic branch to the 'healing and restorative' parasympathetic branch - where the body naturally detoxes and heals itself.
Massage, Thai Yoga massage, reflexology and reiki all work on clearing energy blocks within the meridians.
The detox process can open the body and mind to be more receptive to the subtle energy work present within all treatments, thus enhancing the effects of holistic therapies.
The detox works on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual - so you may experience vivid dreams or feel very emotional as stuck or blocked emotions and memories come up to the surface before being released. All treatments can help release such stuck or stored memories, and can provide a sense of support and nurturing to help you feel safe enough to let go of old stuff.
It is not only the environment and food choices we make that cause us to become toxic, but we are also poisoned by our negative belief systems and thought processes. The teachings of Louise Hay help us to look at ourselves more closely, and to identify any negative habitual thought processes we may have, and to then turn them around to more loving and compassionate attitudes towards ourselves.