Yoga and Meditation Mini Course 2025
The Course Overview:
What 30 years of Meditation has taught me and what I like to share with others:
Meditation doesn’t need to be complicated
It’s not about trying to do it correctly -‘trying’ takes effort - meditation is effortless
It’s not about becoming ‘good’ at meditation – there is no goal
It’s really very simple – sit, close your eyes and simply rest in being
In each session, I’ll guide you to that place where you can rest in being.
By sensing the words you hear, you gradually journey within, deeper and deeper
– away from the mind… to the stillness and silence at your inner-most chore.
It’s a beautiful place.
It’s a sacred place.
It’s who you really are.
And you rest here – in being… in silence… in peace… in love…
The more frequently you tune into this aspect of yourself, the easier and more natural it becomes… and then it becomes possible to sense this stillness anytime – not just when sitting in meditation, but also as you carry out your day-to-day activities.
In these times of change and turbulence, being able to rest in being – to be peaceful and still – is perhaps the greatest gift you can give yourself and the world.
And when you’re peaceful,
you benefit,
your family benefits,
your friends benefit,
everyone you encounter benefits…
like the ripple effects of a pebble you throw into a pond…
Yoga Asana (postures)
Before the meditation, we’ll do 20-30 minutes of simple Yoga asana (postures and exercises) so that the body can sit more comfortably and the mind is already in a quiet space.
These Yoga sessions are suitable for everyone, even if you’re new to Yoga.
I lead you with my voice, so you simply follow the instructions.
Having your camera on helps me to see if my instruction is clear enough for you to know what to do, but if you prefer not to have the camera on, that’s fine.
If you don’t have a yoga mat, a carpet / mat is fine.
You may need (a) cushion(s) / a pillow and a blanket.
Ideally, the room is warm and comfortable(for those in the northern hemisphere).
You’ll need to wear comfortable clothes which allow free movement.
Each session(meditation and asana) is 1hr in total.
Sunday January 19 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 1
Sunday January 26 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 2
Sunday February 2 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 3
Sunday February 9 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 4
The course takes place via Zoom.
€37/ £30 via paypal / bank transfer (whole course)
What 30 years of Meditation has taught me and what I like to share with others:
Meditation doesn’t need to be complicated
It’s not about trying to do it correctly -‘trying’ takes effort - meditation is effortless
It’s not about becoming ‘good’ at meditation – there is no goal
It’s really very simple – sit, close your eyes and simply rest in being
In each session, I’ll guide you to that place where you can rest in being.
By sensing the words you hear, you gradually journey within, deeper and deeper
– away from the mind… to the stillness and silence at your inner-most chore.
It’s a beautiful place.
It’s a sacred place.
It’s who you really are.
And you rest here – in being… in silence… in peace… in love…
The more frequently you tune into this aspect of yourself, the easier and more natural it becomes… and then it becomes possible to sense this stillness anytime – not just when sitting in meditation, but also as you carry out your day-to-day activities.
In these times of change and turbulence, being able to rest in being – to be peaceful and still – is perhaps the greatest gift you can give yourself and the world.
And when you’re peaceful,
you benefit,
your family benefits,
your friends benefit,
everyone you encounter benefits…
like the ripple effects of a pebble you throw into a pond…
Yoga Asana (postures)
Before the meditation, we’ll do 20-30 minutes of simple Yoga asana (postures and exercises) so that the body can sit more comfortably and the mind is already in a quiet space.
These Yoga sessions are suitable for everyone, even if you’re new to Yoga.
I lead you with my voice, so you simply follow the instructions.
Having your camera on helps me to see if my instruction is clear enough for you to know what to do, but if you prefer not to have the camera on, that’s fine.
If you don’t have a yoga mat, a carpet / mat is fine.
You may need (a) cushion(s) / a pillow and a blanket.
Ideally, the room is warm and comfortable(for those in the northern hemisphere).
You’ll need to wear comfortable clothes which allow free movement.
Each session(meditation and asana) is 1hr in total.
Sunday January 19 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 1
Sunday January 26 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 2
Sunday February 2 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 3
Sunday February 9 – 10h00 to 11h00 (GMT) – Session 4
The course takes place via Zoom.
€37/ £30 via paypal / bank transfer (whole course)